Proposed regeneration of the opera site, Limerick for mixed use development comprising office, retail, culture, licenced premises and other ancillary uses to include the following: demolition of 6 & 7 rutland street, 6 and 7/8 patrick street, 3 ellen street, former Cahill May Roberts building, existing warehouse/workspace buildings at bogues yard, watch house lane & ellen street surface carpark. Refurbishment and modifications to 4 & 5 Rutland street to provide 378 m2 of retail floorspace at ground floor level and 435 m2 of office space at upper floor levels. Refurbishment and modifications of 1-5 Patrick street and 4-6 Ellen street including integration of individual units into the new scheme via a glazed linkage at first floor level to provide 862 m2 of retail floorspace at ground floor level and 4,877 m2 of office floor space at upper floor levels, circulation areas and rooftop amenity garden. Refurbishment and modifications of the town hall (protected structure), and 8-9 Rutland Street including demolition of modern building extensions and construction of new rear single storey glazed extension to provide 2129 sq m of cultural uses.(d) Refurbishment , modification and extension of 7-9 Ellen street to provide 76 sq m of retail floor space 326 sq m of commercial floor space and 959 sq m of licenced premises uses. (e) Modification of the Granary to include modern building extensions to west and addition of circulation cores.(f) construction of a commercial building comprising of 11-14 storeys over a 1 basement level fronting bank place to provide 9048 sq m of office floor space.(g)construction of a commercial building comprising of 5-7 storeys over a 1 basement level fronting Rutland Street and proposed public plaza to provide 7571 sq m of office floor space. (h)construction of a commercial building comprising of 4-8 storeys fronting Michael Street and proposed public plaza to provide 317 sq m of retail floor space and 12380 sq m ofoffice floor space,internal courtyard and glazed atria. Public plaza,pedestrain linkages, communal and private open space areas.(j) bicycle parking.(k) Vehicular access serving the development via a proposed entrance point on Michael Street(l) provision of 150 no. car parking spaces at basement level.(m) surface water attenuation tanks, general plant,storage areas and refuge management zones at basement level, signage, diversion of underground services, set down areas and all associated site works.

To find out more details on this Retail Development in Limerick Applied for on 21st July 2017 take the free trial here.

Opera Site Bank Place

Plans Applied

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