Permission for development of a residential care centre (nursing home) on lands at Dunsinea Lane, Rathborne, Ashtown, Dublin 15 (on foot of planning permission granted under Reg. Ref.). The development proposed relates to Local Objective 580 of the Fingal Development Plan 2011 – 2017 which seeks to provide for a residential institution (nursing home…) . The development will comprise of a two-storey building consisting of 120 no. bedrooms with associated ancillary/common facilties and office/administration areas The development also provides for 60 no. car parking spaces, 1 no. new vehicular access on to Dunsinea Lane, 1 no. ESB substation , landscaping, and all associated site development works.

To find out more details on this Care Home Development in Dublin Granted permission on 2014-11-20 take the free trial here.

Dunsinea Lane

Plans Granted

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