Extension of duration of 15/142- permission for development to consist of a single storey sheet cladded steel portal frame building to be a micro distillery (gfa = 415 sq. M. ), together with the following associated ancillary works, a single storey new boiler house (gfa = 35 sq. M); an over ground alcohol storage tank (5,000 litres); an over ground lpg storage tank (2,000 litres); an under ground fire water storage tank (180 cu. M); a waste water treatment system/percolation area; a landscaped earth embankment; an oil interceptor; a soakage trench and all other associated site development works. *significant further information received 20/05/2015 -noting the height of the proposed structure at 12. 4 metres high, removal of brick to the proposed elevations, insertion of two new storage tanks, one over ground and one underground, comprehensive landscaping plan, alterations of site boundaries and other ancillary documents*.
To find out more details on this Factory Development in Louth Granted permission on 2020-08-21 take the free trial here.