To replace 12 no. previously approved (under grant of permission reg. ref. 09/191) three and four bedroom two storey detached, terraced and semidetached houses (no?s 15 to 22 and 41 to 44 Whitethorn) with 9 no. houses in three designs now consisting of 2 no. two storey four bedroom semidetached corner houses (nos. 16 & 18), 3 no. detached two storey five bedroom houses (nos. 19,20 &21) and 4 no.semidetached four bedroom two storey plus dormer houses (nos. 41 to 44) all with private driveways. For all associated changes to boundary walls, paths gardens including revisions to garden boundaries and new driveways to house nos. 23 and 40 all over an application site area of 0.7 Ha forming part of an overall development known as Whitethorn, Athgarvan Co. Kildare. This results in a reduction in the overall number of house in the development from 65 to 62 on an overall site area of 2.6 Ha.
To find out more details on this Residential Development in Kildare take the free trial here.