The site is bounded by the Luas Green Line to the northeast and east; Harcourt Green; residential development to the northwest; Charlemont Exchange; to the west; and Charlemont Place and the Grand Canal to the south.
The development will consist of modifications to permission DCC Reg. Ref. 2209/16/ ABP PL29S.246976 and to the existing hotel to include the following:
* Redesign/reduction in the size of the permitted 7 storey hotel extension and set-back of the northern and western elevations;
* Redesign of the permitted ground floor 3 no. function rooms to provide 6 no. meeting rooms with ancillary areas and alterations to permitted breakout/atrium area;
* Reconfiguration/relocation of the permitted and existing ancillary hotel area including bar, stores, lobbies, circulation areas, lifts/stairs and toilets at ground floor level;
* Reinstatement of an existing pre-function/meeting room from previously permitted circulation area at ground floor level;
* Omission of an existing meeting room to provide redesigned coffee dock/seating area and alterations/extension of the permitted external courtyard at ground floor level;
* Reconfiguration/relocation/reduction of the existing/permitted plant area and relocation of lifts/ stairs throughout;
* Reconfiguration of the permitted basement to provide a total of 77 no. car parking spaces and 48 no. bicycle parking spaces;
* All associated elevational changes including alterations to windows and doors.
* The removal of permitted balconies on the northern/southern elevations of the permitted hotel wing and provision of an east facing balcony serving a proposed amalgamated bedroom suite setback at 6th-floor level.
* Associated changes at roof level;
* All associated site development works, internal modifications, services provision, alterations to the northern courtyard and associated landscaping works;
* The above modifications result in a reduction in the overall number of existing and permitted hotel bedrooms from 305 to 303. The revised total gross floor area of the new and retained hotel will be c.16,183sq.m;
* The remainder of development to be carried out in accordance with permission DCC Reg. Ref. 2209/16 / ABP PL29S.246976.
To find out more details on this Hotel & Guesthouse Development in Dublin Granted permission on 2018-05-29 take the free trial here.