The development will consist of a Biopharmaceutical Manufacturing Facility and associated works; • The alterations and extensions to permitted pharmaceutical production building, Building 21 for pharmaceutical vaccine production use, located to the north east of the MSD site. The works include a new first floor, internal works, the alteration of all elevations including raising the parapet by 0.5 meters, the construction of a new 2 storey extension to the west elevation containing stairs and lift and the construction of a new two storey electrical and lift extension to the east elevation and the provision of roof mounted plant within the curtilage of the new raised parapet and an enclosed services shaft. The existing permitted Building 21 is 3,751 square meters and 15.2 meters high. Modifications include raising of the parapet by 0.5m and the addition of the East 2 storey electrical extension sized 190 square meters and 15.7 meters high. The West Staircase and Lift shaft is sized 31 square meters and to a height of 15.7m. The East lift shaft is sized 16 square meters and 17.1m high. The South Service shaft is 12 square meters and 15.7m high. • Permission for a temporary contractors compound to facilitate the construction work and commissioning of Building 21, consisting of a single storey administration building, a single storey canteen facility, 20 no. modular (container based) offices, 2 no. toilet blocks and 26 no. modular (container based) storage units for construction related materials. • The works include car parking for an additional 320 new permanent car spaces in an extension and alteration to the existing main car park using an existing widened road entrance. • The relocation of a permanent contractor compound to a new location to the south west of the MSD site. This site is to be laid out with two storey and single storey modular construction facilities including 25 no. single storey modular (container based) workshops, 4 no. modular (container based) storage units for construction related materials, 1 no. two storey modular office building, a single storey toilet building, a single storey canteen building, 2 no. single storey workshops, and a single storey security building. The site area is to be fully landscaped, and consists of an area sized 5,106 square meters in total. • The works also include landscaping, a surface water attenuation area, local landscaped berms, minor alterations to existing entrances, alterations and exit.
To find out more details on this Factory Development in Cork Started on 31st July 2017 take the free trial here.