For the construction of a new 2 storey creche consisting of the following at ground floor level, 1 no. baby room, 1 no. baby sleep room, 2 no. wobbler rooms with associated sleep room, 2 no. toddler rooms, new kitchen, and utility room, office, isolation room, lift, and associated ancillary areas and at first-floor level 3 no. pre-Montessori classrooms and 3 no. Montessori classrooms, new office, and staffroom and associated ancillary areas, together with a new entrance and associated boundary treatments, new car parking and set down area, bin store, bicycle store, external soft play, hard play and grass play areas, external lighting and signage together with all associated drainage connection works and all ancillary site works.

To find out more details on this Pre School Development in Waterford Applied for on 2021-05-07 take the free trial here.

R708 Killure Road

Plans Applied

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