Permission is sought for change of use of the ground floor (Approx. 118m2 gfa) from café/restaurant to public/restaurant; to amalgamate the unit fronting Hanover Quay (Formerly HQ) with the unit fronting Forbes Street (Formerly Nutbutter) at ground floor (total floor area 405 m2 gfa) and lower ground floor (approx.. 460m2 gfa), reversing the previous subdivision of these two units; and for proposed refurbishment works to the two units. The development will consist of
(a) demolition of internal walls at lower ground floor and ground floor level,
(b) the provision of a new service access door from Forbes Street,
(c) the provision of new entrance doors at Forbes Street and Hanover Quay,
(d) the provision of new sliding doors at Forbes Street and Hanover Quay
(e) the removal of the existing plinth/bench under glazing and replacement with new 150 stall riser,
(f) removal of all existing signage to the front elevation and all associated site works. The application relates to a proposed development within a Strategic Development Zone Planning Scheme.

To find out more details on this Bar & Restaurant Development in Dublin Started on 11th August 2021 take the free trial here.



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