(1) The change of use of an existing stable building to a food and drink premises.
(2) The construction of 2 no. Single storey extensions to the east (front) and 1 no. Single storey extension to north (rear) of the building, resulting in a total increase in area of 227sq. M. (3)The external and internal alterations, elevational changes and renovation of the existing comprising (in conjunction with the aforementioned extensions) of a restaurant, bar, kitchen, function room and associated ancillary facilities.
(4) The provision of an 131 sq. M outdoor seating area with 2 no. Rectractable awnings.
(5) Amended landscaping works.
(6) The conversion of existing storage rooms in an alternative annex of the building into 3 no. New stables replacing the stables displaced by the hospitality building and all ancillary site works.

To find out more details on this Bar & Restaurant Development in Kerry Applied for on 8th July 2021 take the free trial here.

Sheen Falls Lodge

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