Development consists of a residential development comprising 95 no. residential units, a childcare facility and associated outdoor play area, road infrastructure, all associated open space, cycle and pedestrian infrastructure, services and all other associated development on a site of c. 6.138 hectares. The 95 no. residential units proposed consist of 49 no. houses (comprising 31 no. 3 bedroom units, and 18 no. 4 bedroom units), 6 no. duplex apartments (all 3 bedroom) and 40 no. apartments (7 no. 1 bedroom units, 30 no. 2 bedroom units, and 3 no. 3 bedroom units) in 1 no. apartment building and above the proposed childcare facility. The proposed childcare facility with a GFA of 532 sq. m is located within a two storey building with apartments above. The proposed houses are 2 to 3 storeys in height and the duplex/apartment blocks are 3 to 4 storeys in height (with the apartment building including a 5 storey corner element). The development includes road infrastructure comprising of a link street (including changes to the previously permitted road infrastructure under Reg. Ref.: LB/180620), junction arrangements, pedestrian crossings and a road to the east to facilitate a connection to the existing school on Mill Road (Gaelscoil and Bhradain Feasa). The road infrastructure also includes proposed cycle lanes/paths, footpaths, grass verges. The development includes associated site and infrastructural works including all associated road infrastructure, foul and surface / storm water drainage (including upgrading of water services on Mill Road), surface water management including attenuation and storage features, a pumping station, watermains and utilities, 177 no. car parking spaces, 159 no. cycle parking spaces, public open space including a linear parks, bin and bike stores, landscaping consisting of new tree planting, hedges, berms and grass planting, boundary treatments, public lighting, ESB substation, and all associated site and infrastructural works.
To find out more details on this Residential Development in Meath Applied for on 2021-12-23 take the free trial here.