Permission for amendments to previously granted planning permission ref: 14/248 (Bord Pleanala ref: PL 61. 245292). Amendments to include: (a) Provision of two blocks of Duplexes in lieu of previously granted apartment block. Duplex block no. 1 will consist of 16 no. Units. This will be made up from 6 no. 2 bedroom apartments, 2 no. 1 bedroom apartments and 8 no. 2 bedroom maisonettes. Duplex block no. 2 will consist of 16 no. Units. This will be made up from 6 no. 2 bedroom apartments, 2 no. 1 bedroom apartments and 8 no. 2 bedroom maisonettes. (b) Provision of Bin store and surface parking for Duplexes. (c) Provision of Sub-Station. (d) Ee-alignment of internal roads to cater for the above revisions, along with all ancillary site works and services.
To find out more details on this Residential Development in Galway Granted permission on 26th July 2018 take the free trial here.