Permission for: 1. The Change of Use of the existing building from passenger ferry terminal and 1st floor restaurant associated offices and stand-alone shed to the following: A. Ground floor restaurant (approx. 176 sqm). B. Option for proposed restaurant to be 2 storey (total approx. 390 sqm). C. Co-working and team-spaces on 3 floors (approx. 2,274 sqm). D. Audio and visual media studios and workshops co-workers informal meeting area and agri/food/beverage R&D space (approx. 574 sqm). E. Work spaces for marine and maritime associated use (897 sqm). F. Marine technology and R&D space (approx. 234 sqm). G. Food/coffee vending outlet (approx. 12 sqm). H. New toilet accommodation (approx. 62 sqm), all of which will be contained with the existing external walls of the buildings. 2. The change of the previous use of the hard-standing area to the west of the terminal building from vehicle waiting area to car park for the sole use of the users of the main building and associated fencing (approx. 4,570 sqm). 3. External signage, including illuminated signage, to be located on the existing building façades. 4. Creation of external deck to perimeter of 2nd floor mezzanine glazed tower. 5. Creation of new windows in the external façade. 6. Bicycle stand areas, including e-use of baggage offloading area to sheltered bicycle parking.
To find out more details on this Bar & Restaurant Development in Dublin Granted permission on 2018-07-30 take the free trial here.