Amendments to development at Dublin Airport Business Park (permitted under Fingal county council (FCC) reg. Ref. F08a/1271 and f09a/0344).
The proposed development will replace Block B as permitted (1 no. 2 storey block comprising 6 no. office units, c. 556 sq.m. Total gross floor area (GFA); to now provide 1 no. 3 storey block (with screened plant at roof level) comprising open-plan office use on ground to 2nd floors, c. 870 sq.m. Gfa.
The building comprises sedum roof and photovoltaic (PV) panels at roof level. The development will also include: associated amendments to car parking located to the west of block b to provide 14 no. Spaces, a reduction from 15 no. Spaces as permitted (resulting in an overall reduction in car parking spaces from 97 no. To 96 no. Spaces);
Associated amendments to permitted hard and soft landscaping including provision of bicycle parking facilities; provision of an access ramp and amendments to existing (permitted) external stairs located between Blocks A and B on the eastern side of Blocks A and B; all associated amendments to site services (foul and surface water drainage and water supply); and all other associates site excavation, infrastructural and site development works above and below ground.
To find out more details on this Office Development in Dublin Started on 2018-11-09 take the free trial here.