(1) Mound The substantial removal of an existing man made earth and stone mound sized approximately 300 metres x 150 metres and up to approximately 18 metres high and approximately 380,000 metres cubed located directly North of Fab 10 and Fab 14. (2) Yard The construction of a yard area housing site supporting functions, utilities and buildings sized 300 metres x 150 metres approximately on the site of the removed mound area, as further described hereunder. (i) Waste Water A waste water tank sized 51 metres by 33 metres and 12 metres high and a yard housing tanks and equipment. (ii) Balance Tank A site waste water (below grade) balance tank sized 35 metres x 25 metres. (iii) Air Separation Unit An Air Separation Unit (ASU) compound and associated 4 no. towers 43 metres high, cooling towers, associated equipment and a single storey compressor building sized 450 square metres and circa 25 metres high, and 2 no. single storey Electrical buildings sized 120 square metres gross and 7 metres high. (iv) Electrical Buildings 4 no. Electrical buildings, all elevated single storey buildings with a gross area of 648 square metres and 6 metres high. (v) Storage Tanks A yard area housing bulk storage tanks for liquid oxygen, waste solvent storage and hydrogen and their associated tanker unloading. (vi) Waste Water Holding Tanks A series of modular waste water holding tanks and associated equipment located in yards with connecting pipebridges. The proposed tanks range from 5 metres high to 20 metres high. (vii) Tanker and Truck Staging Yards A tanker and truck holding and staging yard sized circa 80 x 40 metres located to the North of the proposed development. (3)Site Works The proposed development includes linking pipe-bridges to the Fab 10, Fab 14 and Fab 24 support buildings, site development works and a surface water attenuation tank, site utilities, site lighting, separation walls, roads, landscaping and all associated site works. This application consists of a variation to a previously permitted development for an activity for which a licence under Part IV of the Environmental Protection Agency Act 1992 (as amended by the Protection of the Environment Act 2003) is required. An Environmental Impact Assessment Report (EIAR) and a Natura Impact Statement (NIS) accompany this application. This is a site to which the Chemicals Act (Control of Major Accident Hazards Involving Dangerous Substances) Regulations 2015 (S.I. 209 of 2015) applies
To find out more details on this Factory Development in Kildare Granted permission on 2020-03-13 take the free trial here.