Permission for revisions/amendments to the existing planning permission (Reg. Ref. 19/552) involving the extension of the permitted nursing home to increase the number of bedrooms from 65 no. to 108 no. and facilitate the provision of associated communal facilities (including sunrooms, family/private dining rooms, staff facilities, hairdressers, library, dayrooms, kitchen, assisted WCs, stores, plant room); (increase in overall gross floor area of 2227sq.m.); the refurbishment of existing derelict dwelling and erection of 5 no. two storey buildings to accommodate 34 no. designated assisted living/step down units comprising 12 no. 1 bedroom units and 22 no. 2 bedroom units; and the repurposing and change of use of the existing swimming pool building to facilitate the provision of a community hub/day car clinic (1040sq.m gross floor area).

The proposed development also includes the provision of an additional 69 no. car parking spaces and 32 no. cycle spaces to facilitate the proposed amendments. The revisions to the permission also include the relocation of the permitted bar/cafe/shop (reduction in floor area of 45sq.m) and minor alterations to the location of the holiday lodges.

Planning permission is also sought for all associated site and development works including bin stores, boundary treatment, hard and soft landscaping and provision of foul, surface water and water services on site including connections to the upgraded waste water treatment system under the permitted scheme. The remainder of the existing permission will remain unchanged. A Natura Impact Statement accompanies this application.

To find out more details on this Care Home Development in Louth Granted permission on 2022-04-14 take the free trial here.

Tain Holiday Village

Plans Granted

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