Permission for development at a site at Charlemont Street/Tom Kelly Road, Dublin 2. The development will consist of amendments to part of a previously permitted development under dcc reg. Ref. 3742/10 (abp ref. Pl29s. 238212), as subsequently amended by planning permission dcc ref. 2286/12 (abp ref. Pl. 240620) and dcc ref. 4443/16. The proposed amendments relate solely to the previously permitted basement levels. The proposed amendments to basement level -1 include a reconfiguration of the basement layout and reduction in floor area of approximately 343 sq. M. Provision of a lightwell measuring approximately 13. 7m wide by 2. 3m deep along the northern basement wall serving the previously permitted office floorspace at basement -1 level together with associated external alterations comprising glazing provision and door opening into landscaped lightwell. Reconfigured layout of previously permitted office floorspace, including a reduction in the previously approved of office floorspace at basement level -1 level from 2,318 sq.m to 2,105 sq.m – a reduction of 213 sq.m of office floorspace in total. Provision of a new ancillary gym measuring approximately 145 sq.m. General reconfiguration of basement layout at level – 1 to provide revised circulation cores; changing facilities; bicycle storage provision (number of cycle storage spaces remain un-altered at 518 no. spaces); refuse storage areas; residential storage facilities; plant rooms; store rooms; switch rooms and car parking layout (reduce number of car parking spaces from 303 to 297). The proposed amendments to Basement Level -2 include the reconfiguration of the basement layout and floor area and increase in floor area by approximately 1,164 sq.m. General reconfiguration of basement layout at level -2 to provide revised circulation cores; residential storage facilities; plant rooms; store rooms and car parking layout (increase the number of car parking spaces from 98 spaces to 104 spaces) together with the provision of water storage/tanks. In the interest of clarity, the proposed amendments would result in a net increase of approximately 821 sq.m in basement floor area (overall). The overall number of car parking spaces remain unchanged at 401 spaces across both basement levels and the constructed basement level beneath Block 3 remains unaffected from its previously approved and built form.
To find out more details on this Office Development in Dublin Started on 26th February 2018 take the free trial here.