Permission to construct a 97 no. unit Housing Scheme which shall consist of the following: A) 10 no. three-storey, five bedroom detached units, (with optional reduction to 4 bedroom unit without the 5th roof space bedroom), B) 22 no. three-storey, five bedroom semi-detached units, (with optional reduction to 4 bedroom unit without the 5th roof space bedroom). C) 14 no. two-storey, three bedroom semi-detached units, D) 16 no. two-storey, three bedroom terraced units, E) 1 no. five bedroom single storey bungalow for special needs usage. F)17 no. two bedroom apartment units, eleven of which are beneath duplex units on ground floor levels, G) 17 no. first and second floor, three bedroom duplex apartment units, over two-bed ground floor units. And also, for ancillary works and services which will consist of the following: H) Connection to existing and permitted Housing Scheme roadway, I)Provision of appropriate pedestrian and vehicular link to adjoining lands, J) Connection to public services, K) Soft and hard boundary treatments and landscaping. And also for permission for the following: The relocation and redesign of the proposed Creche facility which was granted under pl. reg. no. 20170786 to allocation at the North East of the site and to construct a three storey 12 no. unit apartment complex at its original location, the unit numbers of the apartments are included in the list of house types above. The development will also involve the relocation of the Community and Education zoning to the East of the site whereby it is proposed to change the use of the existing Commercial building to a science and education based facility and to construct new glazing elements to the building with ancillary works and services.
To find out more details on this Residential Development in Wexford Granted permission on 2021-04-23 take the free trial here.