10 year planning permission for development – the application site comprises of c. 5.75 hectares in total and is bound by Kilshane Avenue to the east and north, and Kilshane Park to the south. The proposed development consists of the following:
• The construction of 6 no. warehouse/logistics/light industrial units (Unit 628, 629, 631, 632, 633 and 634), including ancillary office use, that range in height from c. 12 to 17 metres and have a combined total floor area of 20,951 sq.m;
• Each unit is proposed to have associated office administration/reception areas, car parking to the front, and service yards, including loading bays and bin storage areas, to the rear of each unit;
• The construction of 3 no. ESB substation buildings;
• The units will be accessed off the existing road network. The development provides for vehicular and service access points, associated internal access roads and circulation areas, footpaths, and a total of 245 no. car parking spaces and 126 no. cycle parking spaces; • The proposal includes landscaping and planting, boundary treatment, lighting, security fencing and all associated site works including underground foul and storm water drainage network and attenuation areas.

To find out more details on this Warehouse Development in Dublin Started on 17th September 2018 take the free trial here.

Northwest Business Park


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