1) The proposed demolition of existing service station retail buildings, canopy and fuel dispensing pump islands, the proposed decommissioning of existing fuel tanks and associated pipework and the proposed removal of associated forecourt equipment; 2) The proposed construction of a single storey shop building comprising of retail area (158.3 sq.m.), with ancillary off-licence area (20.9 sq.m.) coffee/serve over and seating area (44.4 sq.m.) with ancillary console area, circulation area, sluice room, office, toilets, staff room and store (179.4 sq.m.); 3) The proposed construction of a single storey type storage building (248.65); 4) The proposed construction of a new forecourt area with 4 no. pump islands and canopy over same; 4) The proposed installation of 3 no. 40,000L underground fuel storage tanks and associated pipework; 5) The proposed installation of 1 no. car wash facility, with single storey car wash recycling equipment building; 6) The proposed construction of ancillary site features such as refuse compound, service area, landscaping and parking bays; 7) The proposed installation of 1 no. main ID sign together with the proposed erection of canopy signage and shop fascia signage, and all ancillary works
To find out more details on this Service Station Development in Longford Started on 2nd April 2015 take the free trial here.