Balnagowan Partnership intend to apply to An Bord Pleanála for permission for a Strategic Housing Development comprising 112 no. residential units in 4 no. blocks (Blocks 1-4) ranging in height from 2 to 6 storeys with a cumulative gross floor area (GFA) 10,645sq.m at the 0.48 hectare ‘Bealnagowan House’ site, St. Mobhi Boithirin, Glasnevin, Dublin 9. Balnagowan House is a Protected Structure (RPS Ref. No. 8699).

The development will consist of:
i. the demolition of 3 no. existing outbuildings including 1 no. single-storey flat roofed shed of 46.5sq.m GFA, 1 no. single-storey flat roofed shed of 100sq.m GFA and 1 no. glasshouse of 25sq.m GFA;

ii. the construction of 108 no. residential units with a cumulative GFA of 6,844.5sq.m in 3 no. blocks as follows;
a. Block 1, with an upper height of 5 storeys (maximum 16.3m above ground level), comprising 9 no. apartments including 4 no. 1 bed and 5 no. 2 bed, all with private amenity space in the form of balconies;
b. Block 2, with an upper height of 6 storeys over basement/undercroft
level (maximum 21.0m above ground level), comprising 33 no.
apartments including 9 no. 1 bed and 24 no. 2 bed, all with private
amenity space in the form of balconies;
c. Block 3, with an upper height of 6 storeys over basement/undercroft
level (maximum 23.10m above ground level), comprising 66 no. apartments including 40 no. 1 bed and 26 no. 2 bed, all with private amenity space in the form of balconies, together with resident’s gymnasium (100sq.m GFA);

iii. change of use (office (last active use) to residential), refurbishment, modifications and alterations of Bealnagowan House (Block 4), a Protected Structure, to provide for 4 no. 2-bed residential apartments with a cumulative GFA of 284sq.m, all with private amenity space in the form of terraces/balconies over 2 no. floors;

iv. provision of 100sq.m of public open space to the north of the site at St. Mobhi Boithirin between Block 2 and Block 4;

v. communal open space distributed across the site at ground level with a combined area of 1,537sq.m, including a children’s play area to the west of the site;

vi. at basement level, the provision of 51 no. total car parking spaces (including 2 no. dedicated disabled parking spaces) and 5 no. motorcycle spaces;

vii. a total of 255 no. bicycle parking spaces, comprising 199 no. long-stay spaces at basement level and ground floor level, and 56 no. short-stay spaces at surface level;

viii. vehicular access to the basement car park will be via St. Mobhi Boithirin, situated between Blocks 1 and 2;

ix. a secondary vehicular access point will be provided at the existing site entrance at ground level to the north of the Balnagowan House to facilitate access to 1 no. disabled car parking bay and for vehicle drop off;

x. provision of 1 no. pedestrian/cyclist access point to the north of the site from St. Mobhi Boithirin between Block 2 and Balnagowan House, and 1 no. pedestrian access point at the existing site entrance at ground level to the north of the Bealnagowan House;

xi. all ancillary site development works, plant, waste storage, meter rooms, landscaping, boundary treatment and lighting.

This application is accompanied by a Natura Impact Statement prepared by Moore Group Environmental Services.

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Balnagowan House

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