The construction of an office building which will comprise of fifteen (15) storeys above ground level and a gross floor area of circa 5,985m2 on a triangular site which is bounded by Clontarf Street, Deane Street and Oliver Plunkett Street lower in cork city. The proposed ground floor use will comprise of lobby, office rooms and building services and the first to fourteenth floors will comprise of office use and building services. A roof top terrace will be provided for staff above the fourteenth floor and will include a canopy structure that will oversail the public footpath adjoining clontarf street. A glass canopy oversails deane street at the third floor level. From the third floor up to the roof terrace the proposed building will overhang the public footpaths along Clontarf Street and Oliver Plunkett Street lower by approximately 2 metres. The proposed development will also include a double basement with ancillary plant and equipment and a water tank.

To find out more details on this Office Development in Cork Granted permission on 8th October 2018 take the free trial here.

Clontarf Street

Plans Granted

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