The construction of 146 family houses comprising 6 two-bedroomed houses, 114 three-bedroomed houses, 26 four-bedroomed houses in various locations on lands within and adjacent to Barnwell and existing access road to Hansfield Railway Station, Hansfield, Dublin 15. The development will consist of 146 family houses comprising 31 no. two storey houses on four vacant sites around the open space at Barnwell which have frontages to Barnwell Green, Barnwell Close, Barnwell Avenue, Barnwell Crescent and Barnwell Lane and 5 no. two storey houses at the northern end of Barnwell Green and Barnwell Place adjacent to Ongar Distributor Road; 3 no. two storey houses at the junction of Barnwell Lane and Barnwell Way; 20 no. two and three storey houses east of Barnwell Crescent, north of Barnwell Lane, south of Ongar Distributor Road and west of the Hansfield Station access road adjoining the roundabout leading to Ongar Village; 17 no. two storey houses north of Barnwell Road, south of Barnwell Lane and west of Hansfield Station access road; 68 no. two storey houses south of Barnwell Road and east of the Hansfield Educate Together Secondary School site. The development includes all associated site works and infrastructure including removal of existing foundations and revisions to existing public realm adjoining infill sites to deliver housing, amendments to the curtilage of 16 Barnwell Crescent and 10 existing houses behind hoarding east of Barnwell Lane, landscaped open space, internal roads, paths public lighting, utilities, drainage and surface water attenuation. The development covers parts of land identified as Zones 1 and 3 of the Hansfield Strategic Development Zone Planning Scheme. SIGNIFICANT FURTHER INFORMATION HAS NOW BEEN RECEIVED
To find out more details on this Residential Development in Dublin Started on 2015-12-01 take the free trial here.