For development at Archbishop McHale College. The site is located at the junction of Dublin Road and Athenry Road and includes a strip along the northern wall of Tuam Cemetery at Athenry Road, Tuam, Co.Galway. The development will consist of (a) Removal of selected prefabricated temporary teaching accommodation units. (b) Construction of new part single storey and part two storey college building including 5 no. mainstream classrooms, 2 no. specialist classrooms, associated stores, toilets, administrative spaces, circulation areas, a special needs unit including two base classrooms and ancillary accommodation.(c) Construction of on-site turning and set down areas including new car parking spaces, bicycle parking spaces, external teaching and play areas, service road, service yard and a fire water tank (d) Relocation of the existing main site entrance gate, to provide new vehicular and pedestrian access and egress points. Provision of minor alterations to adjoining public footpaths.


Construction of new two-storey college building including 5 no. mainstream classrooms, 2 no. specialist classrooms, associated stores, toilets, administrative spaces, circulation areas and ancillary accommodation. Removal of selected prefabricated temporary teaching accommodation units. service road, service yard and a fire water tank. Replacement of gates at existing site entrance beside cemetery. Provision of underground sewer and drain connection along North side of Tuam Cemetery. All ancillary associated site works, at this location.

To find out more details on this School Development in Galway Started on 2017-06-15 take the free trial here.

Athenry Road


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