Permission for the following proposed development at Glenville House, Glenville Road, Coolcotts, Wexford rural. Y35 C1f9. Glenville house is a protected structure (Ref. WbC0297). The proposed development consists of: (a) permission for the construction of a 78 bedroom nursing home including amendments to the existing office building – known as glenville house: (b) permission for the construction of 6 no. Two storey dwelling houses (c) all associated site works to facilitate the development including all internal roadways, footpaths, lighting, public open spaces, proposed amendments to vehicular entrance, associated boundary treatments, landscaping, drainage and all other works required to facilitate the development; (d) demolition of 2 no. Existing outbuildings and 1 no. Existing conservatory; (e) storm and foul drainage works including new connection to public mains drainage including new pumping station and all associated site works. A natura impact statement will be submitted to the

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