Alterations and refurbishment to existing protected structures No. 2 & No. 3 Mallow Street, RPS Ref. No. 77 & No. 78 (CH155 & CH156) to include the demolition of the existing two storey annex building and existing gateway to the rear(abutting existing rear access laneway), alterations and repair/refurbishment works to all existing building elevations inclusive of replacement of existing windows, construct extensions to buildings to rear at basement, ground and first floor level and construction of new rear entrance porch. Also construct new extension at roof level to provide 2 No. 1-bedroom studio apartments. Development will also include for new independent apartment building and secure entrance gateway to existing rear access laneway, new refuse & bicycle storage, plant areas & new courtyard area. The development will include all associated ancillary accommodation, site/road works and drainage to provide a total of 12 No. 1-bedroom apartments at our site.

To find out more details on this Church & Community Development in Limerick Granted permission on 15th April 2021 take the free trial here.

2 & 3 Mallow Street

Plans Granted

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