For development at Galway Oyster Hotel, Oranmore, Co. Galway. The development shall consist of single storey extensions to the west and south of the existing hotel, including a new hotel reception/lobby, new bar, smoking area and indoor terraced seating area; revisions to internal layout including change of use of previously granted sports/leisure club (Granted under Pl. Ref. no. 10207) to bar/function room; material alterations to the south, east and west elevations including new signage; new surface carpark and shared surface multipurpose area to the front of the hotel and all associated site works. Gross floor space of proposed works: 140sqm (New build), 613.9sqm change of use.
To find out more details on this Hotel & Guesthouse Development in Galway Granted permission on 21st January 2016 take the free trial here.