Works to consist of refurbishment, alterations, and additions to Sarsfield House Day Care Centre, Sarsfield Road, Ballyfermot, Dublin 10 for the Sons of Divine Providence: 1. Provision of a new lift to service additional/relocated Day Care facilities and new 3 bedroom apartment (105sq/m) at first floor level in lieu of existing unoccupied bedroom accommodation. 2. Provision of new enlarged ope to front south elevation to include canopy to create new entrance. 3. Provision of new 1 bedroom apartment (56.5sq/m) at ground floor level in lieu of relocated Day Care facilities to include a bay-window extension (9.5sq/m) to east elevation. 4. Relocation of existing external fire escape stair at the rear north elevation. 5. Reconfiguring existing and forming new window/door opes to all elevations including courtyard. 6 Provision of new aluminium double glazed doors/windows throughout and associated site works.
To find out more details on this Care Home Development in Dublin Granted permission on 26th May 2015 take the free trial here.