The proposed development is for a Strategic Housing Development at Shackleton Road, Ballymakealy Upper, Cebridge, Co. Kildare comprising:
1. The construction of 152 no. residential units comprising a mixture of 6 no. 4 bed dwelling houses, 6 no. 3 bed dwelling houses and 48 no. 2 bed dwelling houses and 32 no. 1, 2 and 3 bed apartments/duplex units consisting of 20 no. 2 and 3 bed units in a 3 to 4 storey apartment/duplex building and 12 no. 1 bed maisonette units in 4 no. 3 storey blocks;
2. A creche/childcare facility;
3. The provision of landscaping and amenity areas scattered throughout the development including an adventure playground, a linear park, a central square and play equipment.
4. The provision of 2 no. pedestrian bridges over Toolestown Stream to connect into Oldtown Woods Estate; and
5. All associated infrastructure and services including 1 no. vehicular access point on to Shackleton Road, improvements to pedestrian footpath and cycleway along Shackleton Road, upgraded pedestrian junction at Shackleton Road and the R403, parking, lighting and drainage.
A Natura Impact Statement has been prepared in respect of the proposed development.
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To find out more details on this Residential Development in Kildare Applied for on 9th March 2022 take the free trial here.