Development at Indaville House, Boherclogh Street. Indaville House, which is located on the site, is a protected structure (RPS Ref.19). The Cashel Town Walls which are also located within the site, are included in the Record of Protected Structures (RPS Ref. 7) and they are also a National Monument. The proposed development consists of the construction of a single storey discount foodstore (to include off licence use) with a gross floor area if 1.435sqm (net retail area 990sqm) to the rear of the site. The development includes the erection of a free standing double sided internally illuminated sign, two single sided internally illuminated gable signs and one single sided entrance glass sign. The proposed development incorporates a new access from Boherclogh Road and internal access road and will be served by 107 no. car parking spaces. The proposed development includes the provision of an ESB substation, associated landscaping and site development works on a 1.3697 hectare site.
To find out more details on this Retail Development in Tipperary Started on 2015-03-05 take the free trial here.