Extension of duration: protected structure:

1. Internal alterations to the basement of existing 5-storey Georgian building only and 3 storey church building to the rear.

2. Change of use at the basement level of no. 8 Dawson Street and at rear three storey church building, from yoga studios/bookstore to bar and restaurant use.

3. For small modifications to rear facade.

4. Modifications to boundary wall at Dawson Street to provide wheelchair access.

5. Provide associated facilities, toilets, storage, kitchens, staff rooms and other associated works, all at no. 8 Dawson Street, Dublin 2, and 8 Dawson lane. A protected structure.

To find out more details on this Bar & Restaurant Development in Dublin Granted permission on 8th May 2018 take the free trial here.

8 Dawson Street

Plans Granted

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