Demolition of the existing 2 storey building(Collins & Co.) on the Eastern side of Dooleys SuperValu Supermarket and to enlarge the entrance/exit to the site, construction of a new single storey extension at the rear of the existing Supermarket building for retail use and storage use at ground floor level, part of which will have a goods intake area with lift at 1.17m above finished floor level, relocation of the existing plant equipment at the rear of the existing Supermarket building to the roof of the new extension, change of use of the existing Supermarket goods intake area, cold rooms, offices, stores area, plant room and baler room at ground level to Supermarket retail area, construction of new enclosed goods intake yard to the new extension in part of the existing Northern car park, carry out alterations to the Eastern elevation of the existing Supermarket building and all associated signage and site works

To find out more details on this Retail Development in Limerick Applied for on 4th May 2021 take the free trial here.

Supervalu Supermarket

Plans Applied

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