159 dwellings, comprising 86 no. apartments consisting of 25 no. one-bed, 2 no. one bed and study, 36 no. two-bed, 7 no. two bed and study and 6 no. three-bed apartments and 10 no. two-bed and study duplex apartments in 3 no. three, four and five storey buildings with private balconies and roof terraces on south, west and east facades; and 73 no. 2 and 3 storey houses, comprising 15 no. two-bed, 46 no. three-bed and 12 no. four-bed houses, some with private balconies on south facade; and renovations of existing one storey derelict gate lodge (a protected structure) to a 3 bedroom 1.5 storey cottage, including new roof lights on north-west and south-east sides, all at lands north of Seamount House (a protected structure). The development also includes foul and surface water drainage works, surface water attenuation works, rainwater harvesting tank, hard and soft landscaping, 221 no. ground level car parking spaces and 62 no. basement level car spaces, 66 no. basement level cycle spaces, and all other associated site development works, including a ESB substation, boundary treatments and street lighting all on a site of 11.5 hectares (28.4 acres), with pedestrian linkages north & west of the subject site. It is also proposed to carry out upgrading works at Seamount Road from the junction of Knockdara Road and Seamount Road to the entrance of Seamount House, which will provide vehicular access to the site.

To find out more details on this Residential Development in Dublin Started on 2015-09-29 take the free trial here.

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Seamount House


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