Permission to construct 4 no. Poultry houses together with roofed/enclosed service yard, 1 no. Office, 1 no. Generator store and 1 no. Bin/general purpose store along with all ancillary structures (to include gas storage tanks, 3 no. Soiled water tanks, 4 no. Meal storage bins and the provision of an on-site waste water treatment system and percolation area) and associated site works (to include new/upgraded site entrance and internal laneway) associated with the above development. This application relates to a development which is for the purposes of an activity requiring a licence under part iv of the environmental protection agency (licensing) regulations 1994 to 2013. An environmental impact assessment report (eiar) has been submitted with this planning application.
To find out more details on this Agricultural Building Development in Louth Applied for on 17th June 2019 take the free trial here.