Amendments to the previously granted house types a1 & a2 at houses 24 & 25, 64 & 65, 70 & 71 consisting of amendments to the elevations, first floor plan and removal of second floor in roof space. These amendments reduce the height of these units by 1.28 metres. Permission is also sought for amendments to previously granted house types b1 & b2 at houses 32 & 33, 50 & 51 consisting of amendments to the elevations, first floor plan and removal of second floor in roof space. These amendments reduce the height of these units by 1.25 meters. The houses the subject matter of this application were previously granted planning permission under reg. Ref 16/260 Castlewellan Park on the applicants lands.
To find out more details on this Residential Development in Kildare Granted permission on 2018-05-18 take the free trial here.