Construction of extension to the main dairy building to accommodate relocated amalgamated and enlarged chill room storage
space with associated ancillary spaces, dispatch bays and yard
for turning and reversing dispatch vehicles. Construction of storage building attached to existing paper store at southern end of the site. Construction of canopy structures for pallet
storage in new yard. Construction of new ESB substation. Demolition of existing detached stores, substation & plant at the northern end of the site. Construction of new carpark at northern end of the site. General site works and boundary treatment associated with the above including new and modified vehicular entrances.
Retention permission for, accommodation ancillary to the dairy consisting of offices, workshop, changing, canteen and laboratory.
Cold store and loading bay to existing paper store.

To find out more details on this Factory Development in Donegal Granted permission on 18th December 2015 take the free trial here.


Plans Granted

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