The proposed strategic housing development will consist of the: demolition of No. 97A Highfield Park and annexed structures associated with Frankfort Castle including Frankfort Lodge, the construction of a residential scheme comprising 115 no. units (45 no. one bedroom apartments and 70 no. two bedroom apartments) arranged in 3 no. blocks (Block A – a 4 storey block over 2 no. basement levels comprising 35 no. units, Block B – a 4/5 storey block comprising 54 no. units and Block C – a 3 storey block comprising 22 no. units) and within the refurbished 2 storey No. 2 Frankfort Castle (Block D- comprising 4 no. units). Vehicular access will be provided via a new access at Old Frankfort with emergency vehicle access only provided via the existing Frankfort Court access.

The development will also consist of the provision of: ancillary residential amenity areas within Block D, a crèche measuring c.80sqm at ground floor level of Block A including associated external play space, cycle parking at surface and ground floor level including sheltered and secure parking, car parking at surface and 2 no. basement levels, electric vehicle charging points, attenuation storage system, waste storage facilities, 2 no. substations, ancillary service and plant areas, hard and soft landscaping, boundary treatments, upgrades to road and pedestrian infrastructure along Old Frankfort and all other site development and drainage works above and below ground

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Apartments New Build in Dublin

Frankfort Castle

Plans Granted

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