Various minor revisions and omissions to the previously granted development – ref. 15/1105. The revisions and omissions will comprise the following:
(1) omission of roof level double pitched roof plant room.
(2) first floor layout alterations to provide 2 no. Additional en-suite bedrooms, with associated increase of first floor area and external wall to south elevation.
(3) omission of rooflight to landscaped roof terrace and provision of new external access door to terrace on south elevation.
(4) ground floor layout alterations to kitchen, stores, wc facilities and covered yard.
(5) omission of 2 no. Windows and reposition of 1 no. Window to north elevation.
(6) omission of various rooflights to pitched roof slopes of south & west elevations.
(7) minor alterations to east and north elevations

To find out more details on this Hotel & Guesthouse Development in Kildare Granted permission on 2019-02-20 take the free trial here.


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