17 Dec 2019 Construction commenced of 8 no. residential dwellings
31 Oct 2019 Construction commenced of 33 no Dwellings and all associated ancillary site work
Permission for alterations to previously granted permission ref: 15/11 and subsequent permission ref: 15/312 to increase the overall number of dwellings from 93 to 101 as follows; replace 6no 2 storey detached dwellings with 12no 2 storey semi detached dwellings, provide 2no additional semi-detached dwellings. The proposal also includes the change in house type of 4no semi detached units from 4 bedroom to 3 bedroom type, the change in house design of 2no 3 bedroom semi detached units and all associated site development works.
To find out more details on this Residential Development in Monaghan Started on 2019-10-24 take the free trial here.