Permission for change of use of a portion of the Jervis Shopping Centre development at abbey street upper, Jervis Street and Mary Street, Dublin 1. Permission is sought to change the use of unit 12c and unit 13 at first-floor level and unit 13 and unit 14 at first floor upper level from retail to recreational use to include a gym facility. The new facility will have a total floor area of 1726 square metres. Access will be via a new entrance lobby created from a converted vacant space at ground floor level close to the abbey street upper corner with Jervis Street and will involve the construction of a new lift and linking stairs in this location. The entrance door at Abbey Street upper will be configured to provide a new elevation in this location.

To find out more details on this Retail Development in Dublin Started on 2019-12-20 take the free trial here.

Unit 12C & Unit 13 (First Floor) & Unit 13 & Unit 14 (First Floor Upper)


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