Permission for the construction of a residential development of 49 no. student apartments consisting of 350 no. bed spaces and all ancillary site works. The proposed development provides for the demolition of an existing industrial building and derelict garage adjacent to Loughview Terrace and will consist of 5no. apartment blocks varying in height from 3 to 4 storeys and comprising 34 no. 8 bedroom apartments, 8 no. 7-bedroom apartments, 1 no. 6 bedroom apartments, 3 no. 4 bedroom apartments, 1 no. 2 bedroom apartment, 2 no. 1bedroom studio apartments, 4 no. shared study rooms and a shared amenity/ building management area. The development will include the re-location of a mobile telecommunications mast from the roof of the existing industrial building, to the roof of block 2 of the proposed development. The proposal will provide for a substation / switch room / boiler room, bin store and a pump room / gas cylinder store, associated landscaping and internal shared surface courtyards with car bicycle parking. Access to the site will be via existing entrance from Bandon Road and the proposed development makes provision for rear access to serve existing houses at Loughview Terrace.

To find out more details on this Residential Development in Cork Granted permission on 12th December 2017 take the free trial here.

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