The development will consist of a change of use of existing first-floor Games Room/Snooker Hall to 6 no. apartments (3 no. 2-bed and 3 no. 1-bed units; total area 379 sq.m, accessed from existing entrances at Castlewood Avenue and Castlewood Place. The development includes (a) provision of replacement external escape staircase behind existing return B and adjacent open chair-lift, connecting ground level yard to deck at first floor level, (b) removal of a section of first-floor flat roof to provide an open courtyard at first floor level, (c) replacement of existing link at second floor level, between front and rear block with new bridge link and its connection to first-floor courtyard by new external stairs, (d) provision of rooflight to existing roof over apartment no. 6, (e) alterations to existing flat roof at rear to provide private balconies and communal open spaces on deck, (f) removal of 2 no. existing steel staircases and provision of a balcony and replacement stairs to rear of apartment no. 3, (g) modifications to Rathmines Road elevation to include the provision of 2 no. wintergarden-type balconies at first floor level, (h) extension (2 sq.m) and alterations to existing entrance from Castlewood Avenue, (i) alterations to existing entrance gates from Castlewood Place, (j) provision of refuse bin storage, bicycle parking, landscaping & all associated site works at rear and (j) various internal and external alterations to existing building fabric.
To find out more details on this Residential Development in Dublin Granted permission on 6th November 2019 take the free trial here.