1) revise existing site boundary with an overall increase in site area of 0. 48ha to that granted under pl15/267. 2) construct an extension to the existing production area (to provide warehouse storage to ground floor only) & office areas on ground and first floor. 3) construct a ground floor canteen to include storage, prep & wash areas with an external waste storage area (single storey)to proposed western gable. 4) construct a fire sprinkler storage tank & intergrated pump house, electrical switch room, electrical meter room to serve the existing & proposed facility. 5) construct an additional car park area adjacent to the northern boundary. 6) provision of external machanical & electrical plant equipment to the northern & western elevations of the proposed extension to facilitate site services. 7) provision of a second site entrance to loading docks / warehouse area with access from the western site boundary. 8) to carry out all associated site development

To find out more details on this Factory Development in Sligo Started on 25th September 2017 take the free trial here.

Finisklin Business & Technology Park


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