The development will consist of: A supermarket building (1,996.4 sq.m gross floor area) with ancillary off licence area and associated signage, car parking (123 spaces) and service yard; Refurbishment / change of use and partial demolition of the existing vacant buildings fronting The Square to accommodate 1. no. retail unit (90.2 sq.m) and 1 no. restaurant/cafe (163.1 sq.m) with a new covered pedestrian passageway (34.5 sq.m) linking The Square to the supermarket site to the rear. The proposals require demolition of 74.4 sq.m of existing buildings. Permission is also sought for alterations and improvements of the existing vehicular entrance from The Square, a new pedestrian access from Church Lane, ESB substation, landscaping and boundary treatment (including a new flood defence wall along the eastern boundary), raising existing site levels, and all associated site and development works. The site is located within Kilcock Architectural Conservation Area.

To find out more details on this Retail Development in Kildare Started on 2015-12-01 take the free trial here.

The Square


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