(a) The demolition of the nightclub building at the rear of the Old Oak, (b) Demolition of the former post office and barber shop facing onto Sarsfield Street, (c) Construction of a new retail unit with an office on the first floor and an apartment on the second floor fronting onto Sarsfield Street, (d) Construction of a pedestrian access archway and walkway from Sarsfield Street to the rear of the site, (e) Construction of an enclosed deck area for the Old Oak Pub & Coffee Shop, (f) Construction of a new retail unit with delivery loading bay on Sarsfield Street, store, toilets, staff room, office and service rooms and a screened recycling and bin storage area, (g) Construction of 2 smaller retail units within the site, (h) New car park area, (i) Construction of an new entrance to the car park, (j) Modification of the existing stone wall to include piers and iron railing and all associated site works on or under land (there is a protected structure within the curtilage of this site).

To find out more details on this Retail Development in Limerick Granted permission on 18th March 2014 take the free trial here.

Sarsfield Street/Orr Street

Plans Granted

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