A) 8 no. Twin Bay Warehouses for the maturation of whiskey, each Warehouse has a total ground floor area of circa 1,530 m2 with an overall total floor area of 24,480 m2 and an overall height of 11.45m. The warehouses will be single storey in nature. b) Single storey Service Building with a ground floor area of circa 124.5m2. c) New 9m wide x 3m high planted embankment to perimeter of bonded Warehouse site. d) New 3m high security fence and security access gates to perimeter of bounded Warehouse site. e) New 540 cum fire-fighting tank. f) New sprinkler fire-fighting tank, g) New fire water retention tank. H) Demolition of existing inhabitable farmhouse and outbuildings. i) New internal road network and associated staff parking areas. j) Associated site excavations and recontouring works. k) Ancillary boundary treatments and access road enhancement, l) All associated site works.
To find out more details on this Warehouse Development in Cork Applied for on 2nd July 2021 take the free trial here.