To retain shop-front to unit 1 and completion of sub-division works within and external to the former tesco anchor unit. Permission is also sought for the sub-division of the existing retail unit into smaller units and the construction of an extension to complete ground floor retail units and a ground and first floor medical centre. The works will involve the demolition of part of the external facades and roof structure of the existing unit, to build new external shop fronts, extend the building form, to complete proposed ground floor retail units and first floor medical centre with new facades. The works also involves the demolition and relocation of the existing sub-station, proposed external walkways and canopies, together with ancillary site works. Previous reference 12/51/0190.

To find out more details on this Retail Development in Tipperary Applied for on 29th September 2016 take the free trial here.

Roscrea Shopping Centre

Plans Applied

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