Permission for the refurbishment and extension of two no. 1 bed existing cottages (nos. 14 and 15 Old Youghal Road) and the demolition and change of use of the existing public house (Former Cow Pub) and bookmakers (Boylesports) at nos. 11/12/13 Old Youghal Road, Mayfield, Cork City to residential. The development proposed involves the construction of 13 no. units comprising 3 no. 1 bed units, 5 no. 2 bed units and 5 no. 3 bed units, the proposed development also includes the provision of 10 no. car parking spaces, bicycle parking spaces, drainage, landscaping, bin storage and all other associated site development works.
To find out more details on this Residential Development in Cork Granted permission on 2022-04-19 take the free trial here.