(i) Demolition of existing single storey shed (15.7sq.m), esb sub-station (29.5sq.m) and oil tank (12.1sq.m) located in the north-eastern section of the subject site;

(ii) Change of use of the existing Blocks A, B and C at Dolcain House from office use to residential use which range in height from 4-5 storeys over basement, together with modifications to the existing blocks;

(iii) alterations to the existing Blocks A, B and C will include the removal of the existing fourth floor level and replacement with a new fourth floor level at Block A only, the provision of an additional floor level to all blocks with 2 no. setback floors proposed to the atrium to now provide for a height of 4-5-6 storeys to Blocks A, B and C and upgrading of the existing external fabric of the building as well as internal modifications to layouts to accommodate the proposed residential apartments;

(iv) alterations to Block A to include a 5 storey extension to northern elevation;

(v) alterations to Block B include the demolition of the existing single storey element on the eastern façade (73.2sq.m) which comprises a kitchen area, office and storage space, the demolition of the existing three-storey connection between Blocks B and C (23sq.m) and the relocation of the existing telecommunications mast equipment at roof level;

(vi) construction of a new 6-storey Block D to the east of Block B to accommodate 29 no. apartment units.

The proposed alterations and modifications to the existing Blocks A, B and C and the proposed Block D will accommodate a total of 130 no. apartment units (comprising 61 no. one-bedroom apartments, 59 no. two-bedroom apartments and 10 no. three-bedroom apartments, as follows:-

? Block A (including atrium) will comprise 50 no. apartments consisting of 22 no. one-bedroom apartments, 22 no. two-bedroom apartments and 6 no. threebedroom apartments) and will range in height from 4-5 to 6 storeys over basement level;

? Block B will comprise 22 no. apartments (consisting of 9 no. one-bedroom apartments, 9 no. two-bedroom apartments and 4 no. three- bedroom apartments) and will be 5 storeys in height;

? Block C will comprise 29 no. apartments (consisting of 13 no. one-bedroom apartments, and 16 no. two-bedroom apartments) and will be 6 storeys in height; and,

? Block D will comprise 29 no. apartments (consisting of 17 no. one-bedroom apartments, and 12 no. two-bedroom apartments and will be 6 storeys in height

The proposed development will be served by communal residential amenities/facilities at surface and basement level, including communal open space and outdoor areas at surface level; 310 no. bicycle parking spaces (254 no. at basement level and 56 no. at surface level); 78 no. car-parking spaces (62 no. at basement level and 16 no. surface level) including 5 no. car-club spaces and 3 no. accessible parking spaces and; 4 no. motorcycle parking spaces at basement level. The basement level also comprises a proposed bin storage area and plant room. The proposed development also includes landscaping, a pedestrian and cyclist access onto the adjacent Monastery Road to the north; and internal pedestrian and shared surfaces.

(vii) Vehicular access to the development is proposed through the existing access/entrance to Dolcain House to the east. The application is accompanied by 2 no. site layout options, Option A and B. Option A includes a new public pedestrian footpath along the southern side of Monastery Road which extends east to the north-eastern application site boundary to facilitate a connection to future footpath. Option B provides for the omission of this footpath.

(viii) Associated site and infrastructural works are also proposed which include; foul and surface water drainage; plant areas; ESB substation; and all associated site development works necessary to facilitate the proposed development.

For more information visit www.dolcainhouseshd.ie

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Dolcain House

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