Internal and external alterations to the approved Ancillary Fire Station and Education Building (permitted under Reg. Ref. SD11A/0221 – PL09.239891) to enhance the existing aviation-specific education facilities and some minor alterations to the existing car park to facilitate bus and bicycle parking; the proposed internal modifications include enhanced training facilities and reconfigured emergency services accommodation at ground and first floor levels; the extension of the existing mezzanine floor southwards over the fire station to facilitate the utilization of this floor space for the provision of aviation related training and education; the proposed external modifications include the provision of an additional building entrance surrounded by glazed paneling (corresponding in height to the existing); emergency access to the revised fire station and 8 windows, all on the western (front) elevation of the building; the installation of 3 windows on the southern elevation and all ancillary works necessary to facilitate the development; alterations to the existing car park will be restricted to the conversion of 14 car parking spaces to 3 bus parking spaces and the installation of parking rails for 32 bicycles.

To find out more details on this Public Building Development in Dublin Granted permission on 2015-01-30 take the free trial here.

Dublin Weston Airport

Plans Granted

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