Demolition of elements of the industrial building and construction of extensions to adapt the existing factory unit for film production. Permission is sought for demolition of: 1. The offices located to the front of the factory building 2. Factory structure sections on the South East and North West side and other sections of the factory building extending above the general factory roofline 3. Pallet storage shed. Permission is sought for: 1. Construction of new 2-storey offices to the front of the factory building 2. 2-Storey replacement extension for actor preparation and dressing areas to the centre Northwest side of the existing factory 3. Extensions to the Northeast side of the factory accommodating 3 film sound stages 4. Advertising signage 5. Upgraded elevation treatments 6. Landscaping and boundary treatments 7. ESB Substation and switchrooms, solar panels, all associated site works 8. General site access improvements into the site from the Lisbunny Industrial Estate road including construction of footpaths and cycle paths, modified vehicular entrances to revised car park with security control cabin (entrance 1), to actor preparation area (entrance 2) and to truck entrance and associated parking area (entrance 3).

To find out more details on this Sport & Leisure Development in Tipperary Granted permission on 2021-10-28 take the free trial here.

Lisbunny Industrial Estate

Plans Granted

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